Sunday, November 9, 2014

2nd dodge ongoing mal persection gangs/charities community terrorizing

there was a yet 2nd terrorizing dodge among other conspiring bangers. this one had aqua green stripe across white and was over at chevron sometime near noon yest. walk on other side of street but even if you did this will never stop non stop malicious organized community terrorizing you with framing branding thieving dumping stealing to accommodate assist personal gain and self satisfaction. from branding people to serve own terrorizing objectives of pushing out, theft and destruction for own malicious gain to killing lives of helpless people. stealing children moneys items freedom everything of any value to suit ulterior motives and compensated by American scam in the form of charitable donations community goodwill and gvt grants used to frame harass people with terrorizing via persecution and refuse disguised as goodwill to devise scams to steal and to push out undesired people. this sort of terrorist operation is typically aided via so called American law which protects crimes and organized terrorist scams towards most typically unaided or falsely aided persons which aids moneys within system machinery while peoples lives are bullied terrorized shoved over extorted and left to own devices frying unnoticed on back burner. numerous vehicles from tower mart to am pm involved in banging charitable scam  terrorizing w/o bill to pay. portraying selves as gooders their goal is to give you nothing and to steal everything mimicking amer gvt amer gangs amer bus companies amer agencies and the amer way. refuse and burner for you is happiness jobs and moneys for them - the scam system which aids its own crime which is the purpose of the game here - corruption so legitimized and endorsed its never documented as lives are sunk down the hole via alleged accident.